Stress free life tips

Take a moment and think about what is stressing you in life. Chances are if you're like most people, there's a long list of things that come swarming to the front of your mind. Although what those stressers are change depending on where you live and what your job is, the fact is we all have stress. Although you may not be able to change the things that stress you out, there are ways you can manage your stress, and even learn to lead a stress free life. Here are a few tips to make that easier.

Live in the present

It's natural and normal to worry about the future. Through our lives there are all sorts of things in the future we need to plan for, from meeting life and career milestones, to health and personal goals. While striving for goals is important, you shouldn't stress over things that haven't even happened yet. Have you ever tossed and turned in bed at night, because you spent the whole night working out what you were going to say to your boss about an embarrassing moment the day before? You finally go into work exhausted and without much of a plan, only to find he's already forgotten all about it. While you should certainly prepare for the future, it's not necessary to spend your whole life sorting out problems that haven't even arrived yet. The present has enough problems.

Don't volunteer to stress for other people

If you want a stress free life, stressing out for other people as well as yourself is not the way to do it. While your coworkers would probably love you to take on most of the work for a project so they can work less, it won't reduce your stress level any. Before you open your mouth and agree to take on a huge load of extra work for someone, think about it carefully. Is this something you really want to do, or it will just add to your stress?

Ditch Toxic People

If you find that your stress involves one particular friend, or your boss, or another avoidable person— consider cutting that person out of your life. Life itself is short, and it is precious. You don't need to have your life ruined for decades because you couldn't cut that person loose. If the person you spend your daily life with is toxic, replacing them with people who genuinely make you happy can only benefit you. Living a stress free life doesn't have to be hard. By living in the present, taking care of yourself before others, and not allowing toxic people to ruin your life, you'll enjoy higher quality living. Although this may seem selfish at first, the people around you will benefit too. Stress free people are generally more productive, happier, and easier to be around than those who are stressed. It's a great feeling to wake up on a weekend, take a deep breath, and not worry about what Monday will bring when you have today to focus on. If you don't have this yet, it's well worth working towards.

Read more on stress free tips below:

Top 20 tips for a stress free life

Stress free living

Live stress free the way most people don’t know

A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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