Green flags vs. red flags in a relationship

The skill of developing healthy relationships is underrated. We all know healthy relationships are important, but when work is required we often turn a blind eye.

When it comes to our relationships, there is potential for an abundance of love, affection, joy, and comfort with ourselves and with others. The downside to this is that unhealthy relationships left unchecked can cause a lot of distress in our day-to-day lives. Without accountability in our relationships, balance can easily become thrown off. How do we learn to navigate healthy relationships?

Red Flags vs. Green Flags

If you have ever been in a relationship of any kind, you know there are good and bad qualities present in just about everyone. This means that you have to understand yourself and your needs to navigate a healthy relationship with someone else. That way you know your triggers and deal breakers for when it’s necessary to start setting healthy boundaries.

Red Flags

These are the qualities in another person that are either triggering for you or just unfavorable for a healthy relationship. Reg flags occur when someone refuses to respect your boundaries or to give you space when you need it. This is a sign of a toxic dynamic where one person is always looking to people please for the other person. Relationships are a give-and-take back and forth, not one person gives and the other takes limitlessly.

Other red flags to look out for include someone who cannot respect the decisions you make. This could range from financial decisions to moral decisions. Another red flag is someone actively working to undermine you, gaslight you, or belittle you. These are all narcissistic traits that display a level of insecurity about a person. Most times, when a person cannot navigate or regulate themselves, it comes out as a form of projection. This projection can be random, but it can also be a common red flag in unhealthy relationships.

Green Flags

Green flags are what we look for and want more of in a healthy relationship. This comes in healthy forms of validation and encouragement when you are dealing with an obstacle. Green flags can be compliments or random acts of kindness intended to uplift you. A healthy relationship means two people with their own set of boundaries and respect for one another's boundaries.

It can be difficult to learn between red flags and green flags in a relationship. Taking the time to be patient with yourself as you discern between healthy and unhealthy is very important. Just remember, red flags mean it’s time to slow down and address something. While green flags are a sign that you are on the right track.


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