Is perfectionism a mental illness?

According to Psychology Today, perfectionism is a trait that makes life an endless report card on accomplishments or looks. When healthy, it can be self-motivating and drive you to overcome adversity and achieve success. When unhealthy, it can be a fast and enduring track to unhappiness.

What makes extreme perfectionism so toxic is that while those in its grip desire success, they are most focused on avoiding failure, resulting in a negative orientation. They don’t believe in unconditional love, expecting others’ affection and approval to be dependent on a flawless performance.


On this episode of Living Well with Dr. Jessica, we are joined by Ellie Fuentes who tells us how we can overcome perfectionism.   Ellie is a  private practice therapist at Clinical Insights in New Jersey. She holds a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is a Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counsel and a Licensed Associate Counselor in the state of New Jersey.

 What are the symptoms of perfectionism?

Signs of Perfectionism

  • Having high standards and expectations.

  • Feeling pressured to live up to high expectations.

  • Needing clear organization and structure.

  • Exaggerated fear of failure.

  • Being ambitious and driven.

  • Higher levels of self-doubt and insecurity.

  • Difficulty overlooking small mistakes.

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