Vet Candy

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Five secrets to balancing pregnancy and your career

by Dr. Kathryn Slaughter-Mehfoud

Are you juggling a vet job along with a growing belly? Here’s everything you need to know about working while pregnant so you can feel safe, comfortable and productive.

Early to bed, early to rise

Get up early and get your work, home, and personal responsibilities done before dinner. Pregnancy is tiring so it’s essential to be organized and efficient with your responsibilities so you get enough rest and sleep.

Be smart with your sick days

Save your sick days and vacation days to use after the baby is born. Although you will be offered maternity leave, taking a long maternity leave will only increase the duration of your residency, which equals less pay for longer and delaying your career.

Support is key

Have a wonderful support system at home. I couldn’t ask for a superior life partner and family to support me through my pregnant residency journey. Having an encouraging, loving, and supportive spouse is essential.

Water, water, water!!

Drink water regularly. Our careers are physically demanding and you routinely go from one case to another without the chance to ever sit down for a 5-minute lunch or take a break. Keeping a water bottle close by will help you stay hydrated, which is extremely important for your growing baby.

Scrubs rock!

Embrace the scrub life! Fortunately for me, I didn’t start showing or gaining weight until about 22 weeks pregnant. Once the baby bump starts protruding, it can make your regular work clothes very uncomfortable. Don’t forget that scrubs are always a super comfortable option! Vet Candy’s scrubs of choice are by 21scrubs!