Are you prepared for a pet emergency?

When a disaster strikes โ€“ would you be ready? Having a checklist of items in a to-go bag with pet supplies could save you precious minutes if you ever had to evacuate. Here is a great starter list for items in your pet emergency bag:

-          Pet food dish and water bowl

-          Extra collar and leash

-          Copies of medical records and microchip ID in a water-tight bag

-          Pet carrier and pet photos in case you get separated

-          7 days worth of bottled water for each pet

-          Pet first aid kit (talk with your vet)

-          7 days worth of canned or dry food(make sure to rotate every 2 months)

-          Flashlight and batteries

-          Blankets and toys

-          Tray and litter for cats

This list is not exhaustive, and many things can be added based on your pets needs and type of disasters in your geographical area. Talk to your vet about what they would also recommend having in an emergency pet pack. This is a great starting point to build off!


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