Be more earth friendly with these tips

Have you ever looked down at a plastic grocery bag filled with plastic goods and felt guilty about it? The strangest things can trigger a feeling that we're not doing enough for the planet, from the current CO2 level at a 15 million year high, to sad videos of turtles with straws stuck up their nose. If you'd like to be more earth friendly, without giving up your soul to do it, here are 5 great ways to start.

Observe meatless mondays

It takes a lot of resources to grow and harvest meat, from the water the animal consumes to the grain and grass needed to support them. If you eat meat a little less, even by just one day, you'll make a huge difference in your carbon footprint over the course of a year.

Swap plastic for canvas

Reusable grocery bags can take as many as 700 plastic grocery bags a year out of the environment.When well used and well worn, that can mean one reusable bag replacing thousands by the end of its lifespan. If you do forget your reusables and end up with plastic, reusing them as trash bags or returning them to the store for recycling can also make a difference.

Compost your waste

Ideally you'll eat leftovers and plan meals to use fresh vegetables before they go bad. What happens when you have some moldy strawberries or potato peels you can't use? Instead of throwing them away,where they may end up emitting greenhouse gases, you can compost them in your backyard instead.This will not only reduce emissions, but also give you some awesome organic fertilizer for your garden.

Cut down on paper

Cleaning rags instead of paper towels, cloth napkins instead of paper napkins, and real plates instead of paper plates can all make a big difference in your carbon footprint. It will also save you money too,since these are an expensive way to toss your money in the trash.

You can take this a step farther by washing these items in cold water, since cold water washes are more energy efficient than hot water washes, as well as hanging them to dry.

Swap out your light bulb

If you're still using incandescent light bulbs, swapping them out for energy efficient bulbs can save you a bundle. Many energy companies have programs to help you pay for them if you find them too expensive, and they'll greatly cut how much energy you need in order to run them.

If you want to be more environmentally friendly, there are plenty of great ways to begin. You don't have to revolutionize your entire life to make a change. All you need to do is pick one simple swap, and stick to it until it becomes a habit. Every time you remember your reusable grocery bag or use a rag instead of a paper towel, you're doing your part to help keep this planet healthy.

A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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