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Three fun things to do for a self reset

As busy veterinary professionals, we too often forget our own personal needs because we are so caught up caring for our patient’s day in and day out! In order to balance a high-stress, high impact lifestyle found in veterinary medicine, you need a high frequency of self-care! Here are a couple of my favorite things to do when I need a quick reset!

Go out in nature

Whether it’s a new hike or a beach day or even a park picnic, getting outside and breathing the fresh air is so good to clear the mind! It allows me to step back, slow down and take in the small details we take for granted in our day to day lives. Go out and enjoy the sun on your face, the grass between your toes or the ocean waves beneath your feet!

Get a massage

This might seem cliché, but nothing can compete with a little me time! As veterinary professionals we are always caring for our clients and patients’ needs we often forget to acknowledge our own! I started budgeting in a massage after every exam week (at my school that’s 4 times a year) and I definitely end that week with more muscle cramps than id like to admit, so having this retreat at the end allows me to really clear my head after all that stress!

Get your comedy fix

Laughter fuels the soul! Whenever I catch myself down or not in a great mood I put on one of my favorite comedians! If you haven’t already watched Kevin Hart or Iliza Shlesinger yet, I highly recommend their stand up! I usually watch a Netflix special or Youtube video, or if I have more time even a great comedy movie! Humor has this amazing way of creating a mental escape for you to enjoy the entertainment and relieve stress with the impact that laughing can have on your mood! yet, I highly recommend their stand up!