Crash course on how to survive your first couple's roadtrip

If you’re thinking about taking a road-trip during the last dog days of summer, and you want to bring that new significant other along for the ride, here are a few things to check off your packing list.

Make sure you like this person

You need to like them a lot. I know it may seem funny, but you should be 110% okay with the idea of spending 8+ hours in a confined space (otherwise known as a vehicle) with this other person where all you have is good ole’ conversation and a radio until you reach your destination.

Bring yummy healthy snacks

Both of you will definitely get hungry along this ride! Use it as an avenue to get to know each other. Stop at your local Target before hitting the road to stock up on healthy munchies to minimize extra stops later. I would suggest grapes, cherries, veggie straws and roasted almonds! Pro tip: ladies your man will love it if you offer to feed him the snacks – he will love that.

Take the newer vehicle

No one likes car problems 15 mins from home, and they are especially annoying if it happens 600 miles from home. Discuss ahead of time whose car you will be taking, along with arrangements such as when you want to take turns driving and renewing a AAA membership just in case you need it.

Enjoy each other!

Roadtrips are an amazing opportunity to really move a relationship forward! You get to know one another out of your normal comfortable environments, and maybe even have your first argument along the way! As long as you both communicate your travel needs, it will surely be a success.


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