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Why You Need to Slow Down

Our culture is based on how fast paced we are. We brag about 100 hour work weeks, avoid taking vacation leave, and value hard work over everything else. While it is true that hard work has its benefits, a hectic lifestyle filled with stress can make your life miserable. Here are some simple ways that slowing down can make you happier.

Learn to say no

If you're a people pleaser, it can be hard to tell people when you're not comfortable with something they are doing. Whether this is piling on more tasks, being too pushy in a relationship, or simply wanting to borrow $5, saying no is difficult. Setting boundaries is important however, not just for you but for those around you too. When people know how to treat you, both you and them are a lot happier.

Be unproductive

When was the last time you simply took a walk by the lakeside, sat on a beach and watched the tide come in, or found shapes in clouds? If you can't remember, you probably need more empty time in your life. Rather than think of these things as wasted time, try to think of them as recharging. Without taking a break from constant productivity, the work you produce won't be quality.

Set yourself reasonable goals for the day

Facebook is notoriously bad about making us believe normal people do huge amounts every day. In order to make our own work load sound impressive, we have to add twice as much to that list. While it would be amazing if you could clean the house, organize all the cupboards, repaint, and change the oil in your car all on your day off, it's probably not healthy.

Set yourself at most 2-3 goals for a day, and be proud of those accomplishments. It's a lot more encouraging to finish your to-do list, than to accomplish a lot more but fail at what you wanted.The past can't be changed. The future isn't here yet. The only time we have to work with is now. If you're constantly stressing about that stupid remark you made last week, or a big exam in your future, you're not taking advantage of the time you have now.

Eat slower

Food is one of the great pleasures in life. We tend to eat our food as quickly as possible. We eat in the car on the way to an event, rush through dinner in front of the TV, or skip meals entirely. Not only is this unhealthy, it can lead to weight gain and the health issues that go along with it. Take the time to notice your food, and to eat it in the company of others. Not only will it taste better, but you'll feel better too.

Slowing down is counter to what most of us believe in, but it can make life worth living. Life is more than a paycheck or a to-do list, and if you're constantly rushing around, you're going to miss out on many of life's most beautiful moments.