Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva is making the world a kinder place

Honesty and kindness.

Those are the two qualities Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva admires most in humans.

But for this adventurer turned veterinarian, it is animals that take up the most room in her heart. From diving with sharks to living in Africa alongside wildlife, Tiffany knew early on that she would “never be happy if my career didn’t center around animals.”

It’s why she became a canine plant-based nutrition expert in the first place! 

Indeed, for this animal welfare advocate and graduate of Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, nothing beats helping animals live healthier lives.

The best way to accomplish this?

According to Dr. Ruiz Dasilva, through a combination of nutrition and education.

Today, Vet Candy is pleased to introduce the exceptional Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva to our readers.

One Small Act of Kindness at a Time

The world can sometimes seem like a cruel place.

Every day, we are bombarded with images and stories of both human and animal suffering, and                     Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva believes everyone has the power to make the world a better place     .

When asked what change she would most like to see in the world, Dr. Ruiz Da     silva answered, “I would love for animals to be treated better. I think for that to happen humans need to understand that we are not superior to animals, and that all animals deserve kindness.”

This belief is what drives Tiffany in her role at Wild Earth. As       the Professional Services Veterinarian, she is making a difference      not only for       companion animals, but farm animals and the Earth too! Pets in the United States account for 25-30% of the total meat consumed, and with more “human-grade” pet foods on the market, this means that animals are being raised and slaughtered just to feed pets. This is not sustainable. 

A Dog is What He Eats

Clearly, Dr. Ruiz Dasilva cares deeply about the planet.

But she is most  passionate about canine      nutrition, and the impact of nutrition on health.      For example, ask yourself the following question: On a scale from one to ten, how much do you know about the kibble that gets poured into your pup’s dinner bowl?

With thousands of brands available, choosing the best dog food can feel like an “im-pawsible” task, can’t it?

Luckily, we have veterinarians like Dr. Ruiz Dasilva demystifying the dog food industry and helping pet parents make informed choices.

“Vets are rightfully skeptical about plant-based diets for dogs because historically people were creating unbalanced home-cooked diets, but that’s not the case anymore. Now there are commercially produced complete and balanced plant-based dog foods made with digestible and high quality ingredients that are free from the most common dog food allergens, and they deserve consideration.”

Dr. Tiffany further explains:

“My mission has always been to make a difference for animals. Currently, I would say it is my mission to educate both pet parents and veterinarians alike on the importance of nutrition, and how a nutritionally complete and balanced plant-based diet can meet the nutritional needs of dogs in a sustainable and cruelty-free way. My goal is to provide evidence-based data to those who seek it, and to be a reliable source of information to help dogs live longer, healthier, and happier lives.”

So, if you are wondering about plant-based diets for dogs…Tiffany is your go-to girl.

Together with motivation, a strong will, and passion, Dr. Ruiz Dasilva is transforming our understanding of pet food – for the better!



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