Prevalence of signs of lower urinary tract disease in diabetes mellitus

Researchers evaluated records from one hundred and seven dogs with diabetes mellitus to determine the prevalence of subclinical bacteriuria in dogs with diabetes mellitus.


Fifteen dogs (14%) had a positive urine culture via cystocentesis or free catch, of which 8 (53%) had pyuria, and 4 (27%) had signs of LUTD. Of the 88 dogs (82%) without signs of lower urinary tract disease (LUTD,) 11 (13%) had a positive culture.

A significant association was found between a positive urine culture and pyuria and bacteriuria.

There was no association was found between urine culture results and signs of LUTD.


Since subclinical bacteriuria occurred in this study of diabetic dogs, researchers recommend that urine cultures should not be routinely performed in diabetic dogs particularly if pyuria and bacteriuria are absent.


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