Thoracolumbar myelopathies in pug dogs

Chronic, progressive thoracolumbar (TL) myelopathies are common neurological problems in pug dogs, and multiple abnormalities have been described affecting the TL spinal cord and vertebral column in this breed.

Researchers evaluated thirty-two client-owned pug dogs diagnosed with a chronic, progressive T3-L3 myelopathy based on neurological examination performed by a board-certified neurologist.

All dogs underwent computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that was reviewed by a board-certified radiologist.


Magnetic resonance imaging revealed 3 dogs with constrictive myelopathy (CM) only, 17 with CM plus at least 1 other myelopathy, 11 dogs with non-CM myelopathies only, and 1 with no MRI abnormalities.

Nineteen of 32 dogs had >1 myelopathy diagnosis on MRI whereas 15/32 had >1 site of spinal cord compression.

All dogs had caudal articular process dysplasia (CAPD) at >1 site in the T3-L3 vertebral column on CT.

Constrictive myelopathy affected more than half of pug dogs presenting with chronic thoracolumbar myelopathies. Most had multilevel disease, concurrent myelopathies, or both.

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Thoracolumbar myelopathies in pug dogs


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