Welcome to the world of Vet Business

In the world of veterinary medicine, our passion for animals and the drive to provide the best care often take center stage. However, there is another aspect to this profession that deserves equal attention – the business side of veterinary practice. How we manage our clinics, market our services, adapt to trends, and make sound financial decisions directly impact our ability to provide top-notch care to our furry patients. Check out Vet Business by Vet Candy.

Vet Business by Vet Candy

  • Quisha Brown is champion pets and people

    The latest edition highlights Quisha Brown's inspiring journey and the influence of millennials on the pet care industry. It also showcases companies excelling in sustainability and quality. This summary highlights the publication's commitment to informing, inspiring, and celebrating the business of veterinary medicine.

  • Dr. Aleksandra Zuraw, the master of AI

    Veterinary pathologist and owner of Digitalpathology Place is exciting about how AI and ved med can mesh.

  • Dr. Joya Griffin's Balancing Act

    Dr. Joya’s journey in the wold of veterinary medicine is a remarkable one, marked by her evolution from a dedicated veterinarian to a specialized dermatologist, a thriving practice owner, a mother of three , and most recently, a reality TV star on the show “Pop the Vet.”